Monday, July 12, 2010

What is Bad Breath and How to Deal With It?

Submitted By: Samuel Peterson
(Medicines and Remedies)
The medical term for bad breath is halitosis, and is used to describe the unpleasant noticeable odor which is exhaled while breathing. Bad breath has a significant impact personally and even socially. Besides being annoying for the person who faces it, it is very embarrassing also.

In more than 80% of the cases Bad breath originates in the mouth of the victim itself. Mind it bad breath never originates from the stomach. There are anaerobic
What is Bad Breath and How to Deal With It?

oral bacteria in our mouth which breakdown the food debris in the mouth and emit smell which is similar to rotten eggs and very unpleasant. These bacteria can only survive in oxygen free environment hence they live in areas which are difficult to reach like grooves in the tongue, pockets around the teeth and particularly on the back of the tongue. Bad breath is intense at night because mouth is not exposed to oxygen and remains inactive during night.

In some cases bad breath may be caused due to some other problems like respiratory tract infection, sinuses problem, postnasal drip, dieting, liver or kidney ailment, gum disease and external agents like cigarette smoking, garlic, onions, tobacco, coffee etc. These are the uncommon causes and more than 90% of the problems are caused due to bacteria and their work on the left over food particles in the mouth.

Many individuals think that bad breath problem is very difficult to cure and requires physician’s advice and drugs and so refrain from it. Getting a physicians advice is no doubt an ideal solution, but the problem can also be easily corrected if individuals takes some corrective, precautionary steps from their side and try removing the root cause.

As bad breath is caused because of the byproducts when bacteria digest proteins and food particles, minimizing the food supply available to the bacteria will aid a lot. It’s very important to thoroughly clean the mouth after eating food and especially if the food is rich in protein and spices. This is because even if we finish our meals, small minute particles get trapped between our teeth and posterior parts of tongue and provide meals to the bacteria. Individuals having vegetarian diet comprising of fruits and vegetables have less chances of bad breath than individuals who regularly consume non vegetarian items like meat and chicken.

Some of the oral bacteria that are responsible for bad breath and create waste products live in the dental plaque which accumulates on and around individual’s teeth, including below and on the gum line. Proper brushing clubbed with efficient flossing technique can remove the plaque and also food debris that is left in the mouth after consuming of food. And in case it’s not possible to brush your teeth after meal as you are out, make it a point to wash your mouth thoroughly with water and if you can gargle, it will be the best.

Bad breath is a problem shared by millions of people, and at the same time millions of people have also over taken it with proper measures. So please take the appropriate actions and don’t let bad breath dominate.
READ MORE - What is Bad Breath and How to Deal With It?

Getting Rid of Droopy Eyelids With Ptosis Surgery? Get the Facts First

Submitted By: Angelo Tsirbas
(Medicines and Remedies)
Eyelid ptosis can also be known as an upper eyelid that droops. If the edge of the lid droops down enough, a person’s eyesight is affected and in some cases can block vision. In some severe cases of ptosis, some may need to tilt their head back some in order to see and they may even need to use a finger to lift the droopy eyelid out of the way.

Causes of Ptosis
Congenital ptosis is seen at birth and is caused from a muscle that is poorly developed. However, it’s more commonly seen in adults where the eyelid muscle thins
Getting Rid of Droopy Eyelids With Ptosis Surgery? Get the Facts First

and causes the drooping eyelid. It happens with age, from some type of trauma, tumors, with those who wear contact lenses and even some neurological problems including myopathy or nerve palsy.

Who is a Good Candidate for Ptosis Repair?

You will be referred to an oculoplastic surgeon who will examine your eye or eyes. They will take a look at both the upper as well as the middle part of your face to see if they notice any asymmetry. They will also take some measurements of the eyelids and photos are taken as well. Your surgeon also examines the surface under the lids as well as the front surface with a microscope. They will then give you your options.

The Ptosis Treatment

For the surgery, you are usually only under local anesthesia and is done in a day. Drops of anesthetic are placed on the eyes and you will also have anesthetic placed in the upper eyelids to help with the numbing. An incision is made where your natural crease is and the muscle that helps to raise the eyelid is shortened to better lift the lid. There will be dissolving sutures placed on the inside of the lid as well as on the skin.

After Surgery

You may be advised to wear an eye patch for at least 24-48 hours after the procedure. You may notice some swelling in the upper eyelid for about a week or so. You should make sure the wound is clean at all times and you should also keep it dry. There should not be any type of discharge coming from the wound and if you do notice some you should notify your surgeon at once. Your doctor will give you detailed directions on how to care for your wound and you may or may not be prescribed with an antibiotic cream or ointment to use on the wound.

Are There Risks With This Procedure?

There are some minimal risks as there are with any procedure. Some of the common risks that are associated with this procedure include:

•Some swelling or possible bruising of the eye area

•Some infection from the wound

•Sometimes the eyelid may be too corrected leading in a high eyelid

•There may be under correction meaning the eyelid is too low and a second surgery may be required

•Some may notice it hard to close their eyelid that may be either permanent or even temporary. In this case lubricant eye drops may be needed.

Benefits of the Surgery

There are benefits to the surgery and can include:

•Symmetry and cosmesis are improved

•Appearance of the eyelid looks normal again

•Visual field is improved as well as the quality of vision from where the eye was covered


The cost of ptosis surgery can vary depending on many factors. The calibre of your surgeon, the location, the type of surgery required and other factors affect the cost. In some cases, insurance may cover the cost of the procedure if ptosis becomes a problem and affects your vision drastically. The average cost of the procedure can range from $1,500 to $5,000.

Choosing a Ptosis Procedure Surgeon

When it comes to choosing a surgeon, it does not matter what the procedure is, you need to feel comfortable with them. It is ok to ask questions and also asking for photos to see the type of work they deliver. When it comes down to it, it is all about how you personally feel about the surgeon.
READ MORE - Getting Rid of Droopy Eyelids With Ptosis Surgery? Get the Facts First